Dev log #4 Animation question and WIPs

This will be a short log to clear up some questions about Children of the Phoenix being fully animated.  The short answer is no, I have no plans for full animation, I will be sticking with the visual novel format for now. I will be doing some animated CGs which I'll place in a gallery and post to places like Reddit and perhaps TicToc. Creating full animation would require building a team of animators which would require a considerable amount of both time and money both of which I don't have. 

I think people's expectation is based on the art style I'm using. 3D art is most often used for either films or games so, it's understandable from viewing my art, that animation is what I'm aiming to do.  Also, my use of the visual novel format is a bit unusual but, it fits my art skills which are primarily in 3D. 

Of course, if some big animation studio wants to option my story to be turned into a full-blown animated feature, I won't mind.  =)

So, here are a couple of WIPs of art and scenes I'm working on right now.

Block out of the poker scene in Nate's cabin:

Block-out of a bobcat who is a really important character later in the story:

Thanks again for everyone's support of this project.


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I wouldn't mind some big studio giving me $$$ to improve my means of production myself xp